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To rupture is the process of breaking open or bursting.  This process is manifested in both moral and aesthetic experiences.  In everyday life, a rupture can be a transformative moment of well-formed moral character.  A social rupture can catalyze and bring forth a process of cultural revolution.  In art, rupture provides an aesthetic experience in the form of primordial force.  I encapsulate this invisible force through manipulated texture and paint color.  The primordial unleashes and exerts itself on the surface of the canvas in multiple orientations and directions.  The construction of this force remains elusive, ungraspable, maybe strange, or bizzare, perhaps even malformed or downright broken.  I want my paintings to be a true encounter which discloses something that remains beyond, incomprehensible and unassimilable.  
Rupture 1

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 3

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 2

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016


30x30 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 4

34x24 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 5

28x46 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 6

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 7

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 9

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 8

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

Rupture 10

33x33 Inches Oil on Canvas, 2016

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